Business Introduction
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Business Introduction
PT DAM Business Strategy

Recovery of Debt
- Debt Collection No.1
- Establishment of systematic debts management operation
Build the best Man-power with strong loyalty

- Consignment NPL
- As a priority of consignment, reinforcement of recovery training and strengthening of work for local employees, as well as paving the way for future NPL purchases

- System & Know-How
- Combination of experience accumulated for many years in the Korean NPL market and Indonesian NPL experience of local expatriates
Synergy effect and expected profit improvement expected

Material Resources
- Building Infra-
- Sales, management, recovery experience / computational system / Talent Pool / Establishment of all matters such as business facilities, etc. completed

Personnel Resources
- Professional Career
- Korean expatriates with experience in Indonesia NPL reside and secure the supply chain through sales activities
(Bank CIMB, MNC, Permata, BCA, etc.)

- Purchase NPL
- High expectation of the purchase rate of amortized debts such as local unsecured, credit card payments, and collateral at 2~3%